Patient Testimonials
Discover what our patients have to say regarding their office visit, surgical experience or recovery process. We also encourage our existing patients to share their own experience!
Harold Kuehnemund
- Right Knee Arthroplasty
“I had a total knee arthroplasty 2 months ago and have had phenomenal results. I used a walker for a week after the surgery and switched to a cane after that but realized I was carrying the cane rather then using it. I have no pain, full motion and use of my knee. I have been working in my garden and cutting the grass for the past two weeks. I'm doing all the things I enjoy, pain free. I'm very pleased with my results! Thank you Dr. Stewart.”
Peggy Arnold
- Total Knee Arthroplasty
“I have had rheumatoid arthritis for 7 years. When I was first diagnosed my right knee was giving me all kinds of problems. Everyone said at 49 I was to young for a knee replacement. When my knee started giving out I decided to come see Dr. Stewart. He recommended a knee replacement and itâs the best thing I have ever done. I had physical therapy for a while after surgery; every time I went I noticed my knee improving. I am able to walk as I please and do steps without a problem. Having a knee replacement is the best thing I ever did.”
Jennifer Katzinger
- Total Knee Replacement

“This pic was taken after my surgery, i had 2 prior surgeries before seeing Dr. Stewart, i lived and worked in pain for 1 1/2 years, without Dr. Stewart i would not be working as a nurse today or doing the things i can now do with my 2 beautiful girls :)... He has stood by my side thru my recovery and all the way till now which is the day i graduated from physical therapy. For the first time in 3 years i can say my knee doesn't hurt, my accident was 3 years ago March 25th. I dont know what i would have done without him there to fix my leg, i thank him and his staff everyday.....”
D Wynn
- Torn Labrum Shoulder
“I injured my right shoulder playing basketball in December of 2009. I wasn't able to raise my arm, if I forced my arm up it would click and pop. Dr. Stewart ordered a MRI of my shoulder, it showed a torn labrum. He preformed an arthroscopy and a labral repair. I had physical therapy to help with my range of motion. My recovery went very quick, I was playing basketball again within 3 months of surgery, 3 times a week. Now I have full range of motion and I'm stronger then ever.”
Joyce Rindhage
- Knee Arthroplasty
“I had a total knee arthroplasty three weeks ago. Prior to surgery I had a lot of pain and would loose my balance easily. I was always concerned of falling. I fought Dr. Stewart for a long time about having surgery, but my knee pain finally got to the point where it was unbearable. I wish I would have listened to Dr. Stewart and had the surgery ages ago. I am pain free and walking great on my own. I am very satisfied with the results. Thank you Dr. Stewart.”
Amy Cianek
- Oxford partial knee replacement
“Before having partial knee surgery I was in a lot of pain and was not capable of doing my daily routine or exercising. I would wake up in the middle of the night in pain with to much activity the day before. After surgery I am 100% better and so much happier. I'm extremely satisfied with the results and Iâm looking forward to having my left knee done in the future. Thank you Dr. Stewart.”
Geraldine Norlock
- Spinal Decompression & Fusion of the Lumbar Spine
“I couldnât walk before surgery due to extreme back pain. I had no appetite and was losing weight. I'm so glad I decided to go through with Dr. Stewart's recommendation of Spinal Decompression & Fusion of the Lumbar Spine. I'm pain free and getting around again. I also have my appetite back and I'm getting stronger everyday. Thank you Dr. Stewart”
Albert Schulze
- Spinal Decompression and Fusion of the Lumbar Spine
“Less then a month ago Dr. Stewart performed spinal decompression and fusion of the lumbar spine for spinal stenosis. Before surgery I was having lower back pain, leg pain and weakness. I could hardly walk. It hurt every time I bent at the knees. I haven't felt this good in over a year. It's amazing, the pain is just gone!”
Irene Martin
- Shoulder Hemiarthroplasty
“I had terrible right shoulder pain, do to severe arthritis and a torn rotator cuff, that would keep me up at night to the point where I would cry myself to sleep. Doctor Stewart tried to convince me for many months to have surgery but I was afraid.
I'm post shoulder hemiarthroplasty and doing wonderful. I wish I would have done the surgery when Dr. Stewart first recommended it. If anyone is afraid to have the surgery they need to talk to me.”
Chris Rainy
- Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair
“I injured my knee playing golf. My knee was very painful and pretty much worthless before surgery. Dr. Stewart preformed an ACL repair and I returned to work 5 weeks after surgery. 1 month ahead of schedule. I feel great. I can do anything including painting 3 cars on the weekends.”
Beverly Wiltse
- Posterior Lumbar Spinal Decompression and Fusion
“Dr. Stewart performed Posterior Lumbar Spinal Decompression and Fusion on January 4, 2008. I had so much back and leg pain before surgery that I could hardly sit down or walk. The pain was the worst I've ever had in my life. I had to use a wheelchair to move around.
My life was miserable before my surgery now I have my wonderful life back again.
Having the surgery was the best decision I made in my life. Now I can walk, run, exercise, dance and wear my high heels again. Best of all I am able to play and dance with my wonderful grandchildren again. Thank You! ”
Margaret McGregor
- Right hip fracture repaired with a gamma nail
“I am 98 years old and fell on Christmas Eve. I had terrible pain and the hospital told me I broke my right hip. Dr. Stewart came and operated on my hip by putting a screw across the fracture. Now I have no pain in my hip and have recovered. I am very grateful for Dr. Stewart.”
James Bonnell
- Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
“I had a massive rotator cuff tear and was in extreme pain. I could barely raise my right arm. Dr. Stewart did reverse shoulder arthroplasty surgery in October 2012. This is a surgery for people like me who have rotator cuff tears so severe they can not be repaired with normal surgery techniques.
After surgery I had relief instantly. The surgical pain was no where near the pain I was having from the tear before surgery.
Prior to surgery I could not do very much of anything with my arm. I could only raise it 30 degrees and could not even feed myself with my right hand. Now I can shave my head and do almost anything with my right arm. The surgery has made a world of difference to me. This is a photo of me standing in front of my reverse shoulder arthroplasty x-Ray. See how high I can raise my arm now. Thank you Dr. Stewart.”
Pamela Doan
- Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Cervical Spine
“I am 61 years old and had terrible headaches, neck and arm pain for several years. I had trouble sleeping and using my arm. Dr. Stewart diagnosed severe arthritis of the cervical spine and ruptured discs. He performed an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion at 2 levels on December 5, 2012. The surgery lasted about one hour. Now I am pain free. I have not had a headache since. I am so glad I had the surgery.”
Joyce Henry
- Lumbar Laminectomy Decompression with Fusion
“My name is Joyce Henry. Before surgery I had constant back pain on a level of 8 to 10. Back injections did not help. I had spurs pressing on my spinal cord causing severe back and left leg pain. Dr. Stewart performed a spinal decompression and bone grafting on my back February 18, 2013. Now I feel like a new woman. My pain level is a zero and I walk 95% better since the surgery. It has only been 6 weeks since my surgery. I can not thank Dr. Stewart enough. ”